6 e-mail, 7 log, 11 upgrade – Dovado 4GR User Manual

Page 18: 1 firmware utility upgrader, 2 http method, 3 ftp method, 4 live upgrade, Upgrade

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T h e M o b i le C h o ic e f o r y o u r B r o a d b a n d I n t e r n e t

Reference Manual 6.2.6


© 2013 Dovado FZ-LLC

If you wish to use your own NTP server settings, then activate the Custom NTP option, and fill in
up to two different IP/DNS addresses of such servers.

3.10.6 E-Mail

The E-Mail sender will dispatch notifications of your consumed Internet data traffic. Enter the E-
Mail address destination along with the SMTP server you wish to use in order to send out the E-
Mails. To enable/select the Internet traffic reports, visit the Internet->Traffic page and select the
notification method for the chosen quota.

If you are unsure of which SMTP server settings your mail service uses, then kindly check with
your e-mail service provider. Aside from inserting the correct username and password, it is
important to confirm which SMTP port and authentication protocol you should use. After saving
these settings, click on Send Test Message to verify.

3.10.7 Log

The log shows what the router has done since powering/booting up. It may provide you a good
insight into any problems you may be facing with your mobile broadband connection. The clock
(timestamp at the beginning of each line) makes its first synchronization once the router has
connected itself to the Internet. The log file is not stored between restarts.



The latest firmware is available on http://www.dovado.com/firmware
Warning! Do not remove the power or the USB modem during upgrading as this will break your

3.11.1 Firmware Utility Upgrader

The simplest recommended method of firmware upgrade is to visit http://www.dovado.com/
and download the latest version of Firmware Utility Upgrader. The Upgrader allows you to
quickly establish contact with the router, type in the router's password, and perform the upgrade
with the click of a button.

3.11.2 HTTP Method

Point a web browser to http://www.dovado.com/firmware and download the upgrade file to your
computer. Remember where you store the file. Go to Upgrade->Upgrade HTTP. Click on the
Browse button and select the upgrade file you just downloaded, and then click on Open. Click on
Start HTTP Upload to start the upgrade process.
When the upgrade is done, the router will automatically restart and a login button will appear in the
web browser. The router is ready to use once it has been restarted.

3.11.3 FTP Method

If you have an FTP server you have the choice to upgrade the router via FTP.
Once the upgrade file is on the FTP server in the root directory. Go to Upgrade->Upgrade FTP.
Then, type in the IP address of the FTP server under FTP Server IP and the filename under
Filename, then click on Start FTP Download to start the upgrade process.The text "Restarting..."
will appear in your web browser when the upgrade has finished.

Note: In order to use the FTP upgrade option, the FTP server which contains the firmware image
must be accessible via an anonymous FTP account.
Close the web browser and wait until the router has restarted. The router is now ready to use.

3.11.4 Live Upgrade

Live upgrade will keep your router updated with the latest firmware release available on Dovado‘s
servers. It automatically checks for new firmware once a day, however it is also possible to check
