Application of pressure-sensitive mats and floors – Banner Safety Mat Monitoring Modules User Manual

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NOTE:The Safety Module is not designed to monitor
2-wire mats, bumpers, or edges (with or without sens-
ing resistors).

In operation, the Safety Module monitors the conductive elements (plates) of the pressure-sensitive mat for shorting of those elements
(i.e., when the mat is stepped on) and certain faults, such as shorts to other sources of power or ground (0V), or open connecting wires.
With a +24V dc supply, Channel 1 (S11-S12) supplies > 20V dc that is pulsed low and Channel 2 (S21-S22) supplies < 2V that is pulsed
high; when these two channels are shorted together, the safety output contacts open (13-14, 23-24, 33-34, and 43-44).
If a fault is detected, the Module will lock out, open its safety outputs, and indicate the problem on its LED display, which can be diag-
nosed by using the troubleshooting table in this document. After repairing the fault, step on the mat and off it again to clear the lockout
condition (or cycle power). If the fault has been cleared and no other faults exist, the Fault LED turns OFF and the Module can be reset (if
configured for Auto Reset, the safety outputs will turn ON immediately).
The output relays energize automatically if the Module is wired for Auto Reset mode, all sensors are clear, all faults are removed or
corrected, and power is applied. The Module requires a manual reset if it is wired for Manual Reset mode.

WARNING: Application of Safety Mats
Requirements vary widely for the level of control reliability or category as described by ISO 13849-1 (EN
954-1) in the application of safety mats. While Banner Engineering always recommends the highest level
of safety in any application, it is the responsibility of the user to safely install, operate, and maintain
each safety system per the manufacturer's recommendations and comply with all relevant laws
and regulations.
Do not use safety mats as a tripping device to initiate machine motion
(such as in a presence-sens-
ing device initiation application), due to the possibility of unexpected start or re-start of the machine cycle
resulting from failure(s) within the mat and the interconnect cabling.
Do not use a safety mat to enable or provide the means to allow the machine control to start haz-
ardous motion by simply standing on the safety mat
(e.g., at a control station). This type of application
uses reverse/negative logic and certain failures (e.g., loss of power to the Module) can result in a "false"
enable signal.

Application of Pressure-Sensitive Mats and Floors

Pressure-sensitive mats and pressure-sensitive floors must meet the requirements of the category for which they are specified and
marked. These categories are defined in ISO 13849-1 (EN 954-1).
The safety mat, its Safety Module, and any output signal switching devices must meet the requirements of Category 1 as a minimum. To
meet these requirements, the system must at minimum meet the requirements of ISO 13856- 1 (EN 1760-1) and the relevant require-
ments of ISO 13849-1 (EN 954-1).
NOTE: The Safety Module is designed to monitor 4-wire safety mats; it is not recommended to use two-wire devices (mats, sensing
edges, etc., with two wires and a "sensing" resistor). While the Module internally meets or exceeds ISO 13849-1 (EN 954-1) Category 4
requirements, the overall safety circuit performance is determined by the mat(s) or other sensor(s) connected to the Module.

Safety Circuit Integrity and ISO 13849-1 Safety Circuit Principles

Safety circuits involve the safety-related functions of a machine that minimize the level of risk of harm. These safety-related functions can
prevent initiation, or they can stop or remove a hazard. The failure of a safety-related function or its associated safety circuit usually
results in an increased risk of harm.
The integrity of a safety circuit depends on several factors, including fault tolerance, risk reduction, reliable and well-tried components,
well-tried safety principles, and other design considerations.
Depending on the level of risk associated with the machine or its operation, an appropriate level of safety circuit performance (i.e., integri-
ty) must be incorporated into its design. Standards that detail safety performance levels include ANSI/RIA R15.06, ANSI B11 and B11.19,
OSHA 29CFR1910.217, and ISO 13849-1 (EN954-1).

SM-xA-5A Safety Mat Monitoring Modules

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