Programming the speedvault, Enrollment of the administrator fingerprints – GunVault SVB 500 User Manual

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The SpeedVault


Biometric can store 120 fingerprints with the first two enrolled

fingerprints being the administrators. The administrator finger prints will be
needed to program additional users. You will know you have reached the
maximum 120 fingerprint enrollment if the Learn/Mute button is pressed and the
LED flashes red once and the unit beeps once.

Step 1. Press the Start button to open unit.
Step 2. Press the Learn/Mute Button located next to the battery tray on

the Inside roof of the unit (Unit will beep and flash green once,
this indicates the enrollment procedure has started)

Step 3. Place your finger over the scanner with the tip of your finger at

the top of the finger guide.

Step 4. Make sure you have good, flat contact with the scanner, taking 1

to 2 seconds to complete the swipe. A single beep will indicate a
successful swipe and red flash indicates an unsuccessful swipe.

Step 5. Repeat Step 3 until you hear a double beep which will indicate a

successful enrollment of the fingerprint.

Step 6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to add the second administrator.



Tip: A fingerprint scan can be sensitive to the angle in which you scan your

fingerprint. Enroll the same finger 3-5 times at different angles to increase positive biometric
access. During a high stress situation you will most likely not swipe your fingerprint the same
way every time. Enroll your fingerprint in multiple angles and practice accessing your unit
until you are comfortable.






Tip: Your first two users enrolled are the administrators

and are used to enroll additional users, use a finger on your
non-dominate hand to reduce errors when enrolling additional users.
