Great Plains 3P605NT Material Rate User Manual

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Great Plains Mfg., Inc.



Table of Contents


Copyright 2003, 2007 All rights Reserved

Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been taken in the prepa-
ration of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of
the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this
product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future.

Great Plains Manufacturing, Incorporated Trademarks

The following are trademarks of Great Plains Mfg., Inc.: Application Systems, Ausherman, Land Pride, Great Plains

All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Printed in the United States of America.

Main Seed Box Planting.....................................1

Select Drive Type..................................................... 1
Set Seed Rate Handle ............................................. 2
Position Seed Cup Doors......................................... 2
Checking Main Seed Box Rate ................................ 3
Rate Charts, Main Seed Box ................................... 4

Alfalfa or Rapeseed.............................................. 4
Barley (1 of 3)....................................................... 4
Buckwheat............................................................ 4
Buffalograss (1 of 4)............................................. 4
Flax or Sudan....................................................... 5
Millet..................................................................... 5
Milo....................................................................... 5
Oats...................................................................... 6
Peas ..................................................................... 6
Pinto Beans.......................................................... 6
Rice, Short Grain (1 of 2) ..................................... 6
Rice, Long Grain (1 of 2)...................................... 6
Rye....................................................................... 7
Soybeans (1 of 3)................................................. 7
Sunflower ............................................................. 7
Wheat (1 fo 2) ...................................................... 8
Wheatgrass .......................................................... 8

Small Seeds Attachment ................................... 9

Small Seeds Seed Cup Lever Adjustment............... 9
Check Small Seeds Seed Rate................................ 9
Small Seeds Rate Charts....................................... 10

Alfalfa, Red Alsike, Crimson Clover ................... 10
Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue,

Annual Rye Grass .......................................... 10

Bermuda, Red Top, Lespedeza Unhulled,

Sercia, Sand, Weeping Love Grass ............... 10

Red & Sweet Clover, Lespedeza Hulled ............ 10
Orchard Grass ................................................... 10
Millet, Reed Canary ........................................... 10
Ladino Clover, Canary Grass,

Timothy, Canola ............................................. 11

Birdsfoot, Trefoil, Sudan .................................... 11

Native Grass Attachment ................................ 12

Checking Native Grass Seed Rate .................... 12

Graphite Lubricant.......................................... 14

Native Grass Rate Charts ...................................... 14

For Drills Built Before January 1, 2005 .............. 14
For Drills Built After January 1, 2005 ................. 14

Drive Chain Schematics .................................. 15

605NT Drive Chains............................................... 15
605NT Native Grass Chains .................................. 15
605NT Seed Box Agitator Chains .......................... 16
3P605NT Drive Chains .......................................... 17
3P605NT Native Grass Sprockets ......................... 17
3P605NT Small Seeds Sprockets ......................... 18

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