3 gel preparation – Bio-Rad PROTEAN® Plus Hinged Spacer Plates and Combs User Manual

Page 14

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b. The total volume required for multiple gels can be determined by multiplying the vol-

ume of a single gel by the number of gels required.

8.3 Gel Preparation

Monomer concentrations as high as 22% T can be prepared from a 30% T stock solution

as presented in Table 8.3. When monomer concentrations greater than 22% T are required, the
Acrylamide/Bis stock solutions must be increased to 40% T 0r 50% T.

Table 8.3. Formulations for SDS-PAGE Separating
and Stacking Gels

Separating Gel

Stacking Gel

(0.375 M Tris, pH 8.8)

(125 M Tris, pH 6.8)

Monomer Concentration (%T, 2.67%C)




X%(<15%) X%>(15%) 4.0%

Acrylamide/Bis (30%T, 2.67%C) Stock

33.3 ml

66.6 ml d ml

d ml

1.3 ml

Distilled water

40.2 ml

6.9 ml

e ml

e ml

6.1 ml

1.5 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8

25.0 ml

25.0 ml

25.0 ml

25.0 ml

.5 M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8

2.5 ml

10% (w/v) SDS

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

100 ml

10% ammonium persulfate (fresh)


500 µl

500 µl

500 µl

500 µl

50 µl



(monomer concentration <15%)

50 µl

50 µl

10 µl




(monomer concentration >15%)

25 µl

25 µl



100 ml

100 ml

100 ml

100 ml

10 ml

c. The pore size of the polyacrylamide gel can be changed by adjusting either the total

monomer concentration (%T) or by adjusting the crosslinking monomer concentration
(%C). The most common method of changing the pore size is to adjust the total monomer
concentration (%T). In diluting a stock solution, the crosslinking monomer concentra-
tion (%C) is independent of the final total monomer concentration (%T).

%T=[g Acrylamide + g Bis-Acrylamide/Total Volume] x 100
%C=[g Bis-Acrylamide/(g Acrylamide + g Bis-Acrylamide)] x 100

d. Calculate the volume of Acrylamide/Bis stock required for the desired total monomer

concentration with the following formula: volume 30% T, 2.67% C Stock = (X % T) x
(3.33). For example, the volume of Acylamide/Bis stock required to prepare 100 ml final
volume of 10% T monomer solution would be 33.0 ml; 10 x 3.33 = 33.3 ml.

e. Calculate the volume of water required for the desired total monomer concentration with

the following formula: volume water = 73.5 - (volume 30% T, 2.67% C stock used). For
example, the volume of water required to prepare 100 ml final volume of a 10% T
monomer solution would be 40.4 ml: 73.5 - 33.3 ml = 40.2 ml.

f. Prepare the monomer solution by combining all reagents except ammonium persulfate and

TEMED. Dearate the solution under vacuum for at least 15 minutes. Add the two cata-
lysts just prior to casting the gels.

g. Higher concentrations of monomer polymerize more evenly with lower concentrations of


h. One can prepare any desired volume of monomer solution by multiplying to 100 ml recipe

by the desired multiplying factor.

i. Higher TEMED concentrations and faster polymerization are required for the stacking

gel because of the inhibitory effect of atmospheric oxygen associated with the comb.


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