Introduction – Bio-Rad Human Inflammation Assays User Manual

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Cytokines are low molecular weight proteins that are generated mostly
by immune cells and in turn play crucial roles in a cascade of vascular
changes, including the differentiation, maturation, and activation of various
immune cells. These cytokines may exert either pro- or anti-inflammatory
effects, depending on the nature of the activating or inhibitory signal and
timing. Inflammatory processes resulting from the secretion of these
cytokines lead to various manifestations in skin, joints, and other tissues,
as well as altered cytokine homeostasis. These processes are required for
a healthy immune response. However, they are also responsible for many
pathological conditions, such as autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular,
and metabolic disorders, as well as tumor proliferation. Chief among
the immune cells are the regulatory T cells (Tregs), which are known to
modulate the immune system by maintaining tolerance to self-antigens and
limiting autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases.
The Bio-Plex Pro™ human inflammation panel I consists of a wide range
of assays to facilitate the study of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines
in various pathophysiological conditions. These assays provide a tool to
study the impact of Tregs on clinical diseases, to evaluate the mechanism
of action of investigational agents. The assays can also facilitate the
drug discovery process by studying efficacy and toxicity. The assays
are compatible with a wide variety of sample matrices, including serum,
plasma, and culture supernatant. For researchers working with limited
sample volume, the capacity to multiplex will provide an effective option
over the traditional ELISA method.

Multiplexing with Bio-Plex Pro Human Inflammation


These assays enable researchers to quantify multiple protein biomarkers
in a single well of a 96-well plate in just 3–4 hours. These robust
immunoassays require as little as 12.5 μl of serum or plasma or 50 μl
of other biological fluid. The use of magnetic (MagPlex) beads allows
researchers to automate wash steps on a Bio-Plex Pro (or similar) wash
station. Magnetic separation offers greater convenience and reproducibility
compared with vacuum filtration.

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