Bio-Rad BioLogic DuoFlow Pathfinder 80 System DuoFlow Chromatography System Version 4.0 Software New Features User Manual

Page 5

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Setup – Maximizer Buffer Blending

Setup includes the Maximizer and enables buffer blending setup.

Notes For Using Version 4.0 software

Running Non-Blending Method and Blending from the Manual Screen
Starting a non-blending method while running blending in Manual causes the Maximizer
valves to malfunction. If you are running the Workstation pumps and Maximizer with a
buffer blending scheme from the Manual screen and, simultaneous to this, a method that
does not include buffer blending is opened in the Browser and a run started, the
Maximizer valves will malfunction. To correct the problem abort the run and start and stop
the pumps in the Manual screen. This will return the system to normal operation.

PAUSE Step as First Step in Method
Starting a method protocol with a PAUSE step as the first step does not work. The
method will not start even if Time Out Reqd is placed on the PAUSE.

