B&M 70235 TRANSPAK User Manual

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oil with foam inhibitors, extreme pres-
sure agents and shift improvers, this
fluid assures protection while deliver-
ing the fastest possible shifts. You
literally “Pour in performance.” Avail-
able at your B&M dealer.
DRAIN PLUG KIT #80250 TH-700
transmissions do not come from the
factory equipped with drain plugs. The
B&M Drain plug kit is inexpensive
and easy to install. It eliminates the
mess of a fluid change or pan removal.
POWER SWITCH KIT #80217 (1982
through 1989 TH-700’s only) This kit
will enable you to select between nor-
mal Torque Converter Clutch (TCC)
operation and having it unlocked in all
gears except fourth. This kit can also
be utilized for TCC control in custom
installations of the TH-700. Keeping
the TCC in the unlocked mode during
city driving saves wear and tear on the
TCC as well as minimizing TCC en-
gagement at low speeds. The B&M
Power Switch Kit
will not prevent the
TCC from locking in fourth gear (over-
drive). TCC engagement in fourth gear
is required to prevent transmission over-
heating. Kit does not work on 1990 or
later TH-700’s.
TH-700 DEEP OIL PAN #70289 The
B&M TH-700 deep oil pan ads approxi-
mately 3 quarts of extra oil capacity to
your transmission. The additional oil
capacity will help reduce the tempera-
ture of your transmission, thereby pro-
moting longer transmission life.
Most transmission and converter fail-
ures can be traced directly to exces-
sive heat. The B&M transmission tem-
perature gauge can save you a costly
repair bill by warning you ahead of time
of an overheated transmission. The
B&M temperature gauge is extremely
accurate and dependable, it comes
with all necessary hardware and is
easy to install.


This kit can be installed in a few

hours by carefully following the instruc-
tions. Read all instructions first to
familiarize yourself with the parts
and procedures.
Transmission com-
ponents are precision fit, work slowly
and do not force any parts. Burrs and
dirt are the number one enemies of an

The TH-700 does not have a
drain plug. Position your drain pan
beneath the transmission to catch the
oil. Remove the oil pan by removing the
rear bolts first, then work towards the
front. Loosen but do not remove the
three front bolts. If the pan sticks to the
gasket, insert a flat screwdriver be-
tween the pan and case and pry down
gently to break the pan loose. Now
remove the front three bolts slowly to
permit draining the rest of the oil. Re-
move pan gasket material from the pan
and the case.
STEP 2. Remove the oil filter by gen-
tly pulling it straight down. The pickup
tube has an O-ring (or seal) around the
end that fits into the pump housing.
Sometimes the O-ring (or seal) re-
mains in the pump bore, if so remove O-
ring (or seal) from the pump and dis-
card both the O-ring ( or seal) and filter.
STEP 3. (See Figs. 2 and 3) There
are a variety of different wiring har-
nesses used on the TH-700. Before
proceeding further make a sketch and
some notes describing your particular
unit, recording which connectors go to
which switch. Notice that the connec-

automatic transmission. Cleanliness
is very important, so a clean work
surface from which oil can easily be
removed is necessary.

This kit contains all parts neces-

sary to obtain two different levels of
performance, depending on intended
1. Heavy Duty; Towing, campers, mo-
tor homes and 4-wheel drive vehicles.
Shift feel is firm and positive.
2. Street; Dual purpose performance
vehicles, street and strip performance
cars. Street level produces the firmest
shift feel.


Automatic transmissions operate

at temperatures between 150° F and
250° F. We suggest the vehicle be
allowed to cool for several hours before
disassembly to avoid burns from hot oil
and parts. Have an oil drain pan ready
to catch oil and a tray on which to put
small parts so they won’t get lost. The
vehicle should be raised so there is at
least 2 feet ground clearance for ease
of installation and safety.

Figure 1


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