Sequencer, patterns, sequence editor – FXpansion Guru 1.5 User Manual

Page 17

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• You can now drag and drop multiple WAV/AIFF files at once from Finder/Explorer to Guru’s


• Effects and AuxEffects are now saved and loaded properly when saving/loading new KITs

• Song name and kit name are displayed - in the Engine Info panel right above the transport

• Tool tips for value readouts (and an option to switch them on/off)

• Audio export of Pads, Tracks, Groups (all tracks of the current type e.g. kick, hh), Engines or

the whole mix (“ALL” mode)

• Massively improved QWERTY keyboard support, allowing you to drive most GURU functional-

ity without ever touching the mouse

• A new option has been added to “Auto Fade Samples when Loading”, which reduces polypho-

ny & CPU wastage due to badly trimmed samples. You can set the threshold to anything from
-48 to -0dB.

• A new option “QWERTY Keyboard Velocity” has been added, to set the velocity level of pad

triggers from the QWERTY keyboard

• Randomize Slider (black slider above and to the right of engine selector), allowing you to crea-

tively randomize the parameters on any of GURU’s main screens


• ‘Paint volume’ mode is active by default now, hold down SHIFT while dragging to paint gaps.

• Reworked the graph editor so there are no more hierarchical tabs, can access all graph param-

eters for all pads from a single page now.

• When in select mode, and you click on a track lane, the pattern editor toggles selection on all

notes in the track lane.

• When in select mode, and you right click to delete a note, all selected notes are now deleted.

• Copy and paste pattern remembers the trigger mode.

• Gate, Shot and Trig modes should now trigger MUCH more precisely - no more sloppiness or

dropped notes - this means you can do some very cool things with rapid-succession triggering
of patterns (retriggering or switching patterns every 6th...).

• Host sync is much more accurate.

• Metronome intelligently supports non-4/4 measure structures -- w using a -step or 4-step

pattern, metronome now clicks on every 3rd note instead of every 4th, as tripletted 4/4 is more
useful than 6th-note 3/4. To get 8th-notes in tripleted-3/4, set the shift graph to 00% for the
second triplet note or to -00% for the third triplet note. We suggest using engines  thru 8 (as
they have tempo multipliers) with the multiplier set to 3/4.

• Measure divide lines adapt intelligently to resolution and pattern length
