Encore multi-fuel heater, Floor protection for fireplace installations, Safe ways to reduce clearances clearances – Vermont Casting 2547CE User Manual

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Encore Multi-Fuel Heater



Rear exit floor dgrm

12/14/99 djt

Wood framing requires pro-

tection from radiant heat


Fig. 11 Combustible supporting timbers may lie beneath
fireplace hearths, reqireimg additional floor protection.

Costructional Hearth

Dimensions as below

At least
300 mm

At least 150 mm

or to a suitable

heat resistant wall

At least

150 mm

Hearth Surface

Free of Com-

bustible Material

Perimeter should be

clearly marked e.g.

edge of superimposed


Perimeter should be

clearly marked e.g.

edge of superimposed







Fig. 10 Noncombustible hearth surface dimensions.

a) Fireplace recess

b) Free standing

Floor Protection for Fireplace Installations

Do not assume that your fireplace hearth is completely
Many fireplace hearths do not meet the “completely
noncombustible” requirement because the brick or
concrete in front of the fireplace opening is supported
by heavy wood framing. (Fig. 11) Because heat passes
through brick or concrete readily, it can easily pass
through to the wood. As a result, such fireplace hearths
can be a fire hazard and are considered a combustible
Keep in mind, also, that many raised hearths will extend
less than the required clearance from the front of the
heater when it is installed. In such cases, sufficient
floor protection as described above must be added in
front of the hearth to satisfy the minimum floor protector
requirement from the front of the stove: 406 mm (16”)
from the front.
Hearth rugs do not satisfy the requirements for floor

Keep the Stove a Safe Distance

from Surrounding Materials

Both a stove and its chimney connector radiate heat in
all directions when operating, and dangerous overheat-
ing of nearby combustible materials can occur if they
are too close to the heat. A safe installation requires
that adequate clearance be maintained between the
hot stove and its connector and nearby combustibles.
Clearance is the distance between either your stove
(measured from the bottom edge of the stove’s top
plate) or chimney connector, and nearby walls, floors,
the ceiling, and any other fixed combustible surface.
Your stove has special clearance requirements that
have been established after careful research and test-
ing to both US and European standards. These clear-
ance requirements must be strictly observed.
In addition, furnishings and other combustible materials
must be kept away from the stove as well. In general, a
distance of 1219 mm (48”) must be maintained between
the stove and moveable combustible items such as dry-
ing clothes, furniture, newspapers, firewood, etc. Keep-
ing those clearance areas empty assures that nearby
surfaces and objects will not overheat.

Safe Ways to Reduce Clearances


As with any solid fuel heating stove, extremely high
surface temperatures can occur, particularly in the
event of uncontrolled operation, e.g. if the doors
are inadvertently left open. It is crucial that suf-
ficient clearances are allowed to any combustible
surfaces, e.g. wooden mantels or lintels, and to
timber framed (studded) walls even if they are faced
with noncombustible board. Detailed information
on fireplace and hearth construction is provided
