Tv screen v1.4 – PRG Mbox Designer Manual 3.8 User Manual

Page 87

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TV Screen v1.4

The TV Screen animated gobo allows a texture to be placed onto a plane in 3D space and manipulated it as a 3D
object. The texture can rotate and spin on all three X, Y, and Z axes. (A texture on its own will only rotate on the Z axis.)
The TV Screen will automatically light itself and Drawmode 1 does not have to be set for it to be visible.

If the A modifier is set above 127, the TV Screen will display a direct pixel-per-pixel representation of the applied
texture rather than an interpolated representation. For better clarity, scale has been greatly increased in the following

If the B modifier is set above 127, the TV Screen will no longer obey the rules of 3D space and will always be
completely in front of a lower-numbered layer, whether it’s a background texture or a 3D object. In the following
example, the foremost layer has been rotated on the Y axis:

A mod <= 127

A mod > 127

B mod <= 127

B mod > 127
