Return code, 7 _7250_do_read_back, _7252_do_readrelay, Description – ADLINK cPCI-7252 User Manual

Page 45: Syntax, Arguments, 7250_do_read_back, _7252_do_readrelay, Description @ syntax @ arguments

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C/C++ Libraries


@ Return Code

ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit

5.7 _7250_DO_Read_Back, _7252_DO_ReadRelay

@ Description

This function is used to read-back data from the digital output port
which is control by the 725X_DO function. There are 8-bit digital
outputs on the PCI-7250, cPCI-7252, or PCI-7251 extended
board. You can readback all RELAY status (High or Low) by using
this function.

@ Syntax

C/C++ (DOS)

U16 _7250_DO_Read_Back (U16 cardNo, U16

doChannelNo, U8 *doReadBackData)

U16 _7252_DO_ReadRelay (U16 cardNo, U16


C/C++ (Windows 95)

U16 W_7250_DO_Read_Back (U16 cardNo, U16

doChannelNo, U16 *doReadBackData)

U16 W_7252_DO_ReadRelay (U16 cardNo, U16


Visual Basic (Windows 95)

W_7250_DO_Read_Back (ByVal cardNo As Integer,

ByVal doChannelNo As Integer, doReadBackData
As Integer) As Integer

W_7252_DO_ReadRelay (ByVal cardNo As Integer,

doReadBackData As Integer) As Integer

@ Arguments

cardNo: card number selected

doChannelNo: Digital Output Channel No, the constant is:

DI_PORT0 0x00

Access the 8 Digital Input of PCI-7250

DI_PORT1 0x01 Access the 8 Digital Input of Expansion Board PCI-7251#1
DI_PORT2 0x02 Access the 8 Digital Input of Expansion Board PCI-7251#2
