Laerdal Multi-Venous IV Training Arms User Manual

Page 3

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Laerdal Recommends

Heat arm skin before replacing on mandrel. This can be done with a


7. Slide hand into skin (Photo 1)

Photo 1


8. Work skin over fi ngers, as a glove

(Photo 2)

Photo 2

9. Work arm skin up

over mandrel (Photo 3 & 4)

Photo 3

Photo 4

Care and Maintenance

1. Clean with mild soap and water


2. Use only on clean surface.

Avoid markers, ink pens, acetone,

iodine or other staining products and avoid placing the

trainer on

newsprint or inked lines of any kind.

3. To ensure longevity,

the IV Arm should be cleaned after each training

session and a general inspection should be conducted regularly.


Venous tubing system should be drained of all fluid and air-dried thoroughly

before storage

. Disinfect when needed with mild solution of bleach and water.

5. Articulating

& removable parts will benefi t from a light application of talcum


owder prior to training sessions.

6. Store properly

in dry localtion between teaching sessions.

Replacement Parts

Product Number: Description:
380700 ..................................

.Male Multi-Venous IV Arm (Right)

312029 ..................................Skin & Multi-Vein Kit
381402 ..................................Adult Deltoid Pad
300-00750 ............................

Red Simulated Blood

270-00150 ............................Arm Attachment Hardware Set
270-00250 ............................IV Bag

and Tubing Kit

250-21050 ............................Manikin Lubricant
270-00350 ............................Carry Case

Please contact Customer Service Representatives for more information on
Replacement Parts in other skin tones.

This product is in compliance with the essential

requirements of Council Directive 89 / 336 /

EEC; EMC Directive.



Male Multi-Venous Access Arm Kit


