Laerdal Nursing Kid (SimPad Capable) User Manual

Page 6

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See SimPad DFU for complete Heart, Breath and Bowel
Sound Auscultation.


What can I do if my manikin develops a pelvic spread?
Cinch pelvis with a belt and heat with a hair dryer to soften, cinching as you
heat. Insert pin, leaving belt in place until cool.

What do I do if my connectors leak?
Make sure clamps are squeezed tightly into place and connectors are
screwed on tightly.

What can I do if I can’t remove my catheter?
Make sure the cuff is deflated.

Care and Maintenance:

1. Clean with mild soap and water; do not submerse manikin or parts in

cleaning fluids or water.

2. Use only on clean surface. Avoid felt tipped markers, ink pens, acetone,

iodine or other staining products and avoid placing the manikin on
newsprint or inked lines of any kind.

3. To ensure longevity, each manikin should be cleaned after each training

session and a general inspection should be conducted regularly.

4. Modules and all other parts should be drained and air-dried thorough


before storage and disinfected when needed. After use of injection pads
(use water only), accumulated water should be squeezed out.

To prevent mildew or mold, pads can be

soaked in a mild solution of disinfectant and water or bleach and wate


Squeeze excess solution from pads, allow them to dry, then store or
reinsert in manikin.

5. Articulating parts will benefit from a light application of talcum powder

prior to training sessions.

6. Store properly between teaching sessions.

Do not allow foreign matter to fall into sound openings in the
manikin’s torso.

Replacement Parts:
Product Number: ........................................ Description:
350-00250 ..................................................... Head
350-00350 ..................................................... Left Arm
375-71001 ..................................................... Right IV Arm
350-00450 ..................................................... Left Leg
350-00550 ..................................................... Right Leg
350-00650 ..................................................... Deltoid Pad
350-00750 ..................................................... Thigh Pad
350-00850 ..................................................... Gluteal Pad
375-70150 ..................................................... Pediatric Skin & Vein Kit
200-10001 ..................................................... SimPad System

350-00150 ..................................................... Urinary/Anal Valve
350-00950 ..................................................... Gown
231-01150 ..................................................... Carry Case

Please contact Customer Service Representatives

for more information on Replacement

Parts in other skin tones.

Nursing Kid



Sim Pad Connection

1. Connect Nursing Kid to Link Box, via cable located
on back of manikin (Photo 1)

(Photo 1)

2. For some manikins, the adapter cable supplied with
SimPad may have to be used
