Mossberg 59 Line Launcher User Manual

Page 8

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Safety and Safe Firearms Handling Is Everyone’s Responsibility.

Should the blank round fail to fire, keep the launcher pointed in a safe direction.
Move the safety button fully rearward to the “ON” (SAFE) position. Remove the
misfired blank round and segregate from other ammunition.
Do not attempt to refire a misfired blank.

If a noticeable difference in sound or recoil is experienced ...STOP! Move the
safety button full rearward to the “ON” (SAFE) position. Do not attempt any
other firing until after you have safely unloaded the launcher and inspected it
for possible damage. If you experience recurring misfires, have the launcher
examined by a competent gunsmith, or contact the Product Service Center as
indicated in the shotgun Owner’s Manual.

Cycling the Action
To eject the spent blank casing, pull the forearm completely rearward. The spent case
will eject out of the receiver through the ejection port. Be sure all observers are clear
of the path of ejection. Empty cases are thrown out with significant force and could
cause injury.

Care and Cleaning
The Carrying Case is made of durable synthetic materials. Do not place wet or damp
components of the launcher into the storage case. The Line Launcher apparatus
should be thoroughly cleaned, dried and lightly oiled periodically and after each use,
for continued reliable performance.

Replace any part that shows signs of wear or distortion.

1. Spent line should not be reused in the line launcher. It may have

suffered unnoticeable abrasions or strains which could reduce its
strength and cause line breakage or premature flight stoppage if
improperly coiled.

2. Inspect the shaft and projectile after each use. A bent shaft will cause

dangerous chamber pressure, loss of distance and poor directional
accuracy. A damaged floating projectile head will result in poor
directional accuracy and may collapse or break apart from the
exerted launch force if fired again. If the projectile seems damaged
in any way, discard the projectile. Do not try to repair or straighten.

To order replacement parts, or should your line launcher require service,
please refer to your shotgun Owner’s Manual for service information and

If you do not understand any of this material in this manual or have any
questions, contact O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. directly.

This manual is related to the following products: