Oldsmobile 2001 Silhouette User Manual

Page 240

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PREV (1): Press this button or the left SEEK arrow
to go to the previous track if the current selection has
been playing for less than eight seconds. If the PREV
button or the left SEEK arrow is pressed and the current
selection has been playing for more than eight seconds,
it will go to the beginning of the current selection.
TRACK and the track number will appear on the
display. If you hold the button or press it more than
once, the player will continue moving back through the
disc. The sound will mute while seeking.

NEXT (2): Press this button or the right SEEK arrow to
go to the next track. TRACK and the track number will
appear on the display. If you hold the button or the right
SEEK arrow, or press it more than once, the player will
continue moving forward through the disc. The sound
will mute while seeking.

REV (3): Press and hold this button to reverse quickly
within a track. Press and hold this button for less than
two seconds to reverse at six times the normal playing
speed. Press and hold it for more than two seconds to
reverse at 17 times the normal playing speed. Release it
to play the passage. The display will show ET and the
elapsed time.

FWD (4): Press and hold this button to advance quickly
within a track. Press and hold this button for less than
two seconds to advance at six times the normal playing
speed. Press and hold it for more than two seconds to
advance at 17 times the normal playing speed. Release it
to play the passage. The display will show ET and the
elapsed time.

CD (5): With a compact disc in the player and the
radio playing, press this button to play a compact disc.
Press AM FM to return to the radio when a compact disc
is playing. The inactive CD will remain safely inside the
radio for future listening.

RDM (6): Press this button to hear the tracks in random,
rather than sequential, order. RDM ON will show on the
display. RDM T and the track number will appear on the
display when each track starts to play. Press RDM again
to turn off random play. RDM OFF will appear on
the display.

SEEK: Press the SEEK (left arrow) button to go to
the start of the current or previous track. Press the SEEK
(right arrow) button to go to the start of the next track.
If either of the SEEK buttons is held or pressed more
then once, the player will continue moving backward or
forward through the CD.
