BrightSign BrightScript 3.0 Reference Manual User Manual

Page 24

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When applied to XML, which is technically case sensitive, the Dot Operator is still case insensitive. If you wish to

perform a case-sensitive XML operation, use the member functions of the roXMLElement/roXMLList objects.

Attribute Operator
The “@” Attribute Operator can be used with an roXMLElement instance to return a named attribute. Though XML is case
sensitive, the Attribute Operator is always case insensitive. If the Attribute Operator is used with an roXMLList instance, it
will only return a value if that list contains exactly one element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="ok">
<photos page="1" pages="5" perpage="100" total="500">
<photo id="3131875696" owner="21963906@N06" secret="f248c84625" server="3125"
farm="4" title="VNY 16R" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="3131137552" owner="8979045@N07" secret="b22cfde7c4" server="3078"
farm="4" title="hoot" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="3131040291" owner="27651538@N06" secret="ae25ff3942" server="3286"
farm="4" title="172 • 365 :: Someone once told me..." ispublic="1" isfriend="0"

Given the XML in the above example.xml file, then the following code will return an roXMLList instance with three entries:

