Maintenance and calibration – Fluke Biomedical 956A-201-S1 User Manual

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Maintenance and Calibration




Section 5

Maintenance and Calibration

5.1 Maintenance

The UDR Simulator and signal converter are designed to operate for extended periods without scheduled
maintenance. Yearly inspections of the UDR Simulator rear panel cable pigtails for chaffing is

The 948B-1-5 Rack Chassis should be periodically inspected for dust build-up on the ventilation screens.
Adjust the frequency of cleaning as required to maintain good convection airflow through the chassis.

5.2 Calibration – Simulator Display

Calibration of the S14283A101 signal isolator is limited to the adjustment of the zero and span
potentiometers. Refer to the Table in Section 4 for input vs. output voltages.

Calibration of the display of UDR Simulator is limited to the adjustment of span on the 942-200-75 Analog
Input Option circuit card.

For additional calibration adjustments generic to the 956 series Ratemeter, refer to the 955A Standard
Manual. Features covered include analog current loop output and voltage output zero and span. These
features may or may not be required for simulator use.
