Material library (.adsklib) – Vicoustic VicWallpaper VMT Acoustic Wallpaper Square 30 (Natural White, 23.43 x 23.43 x 0.39", 8-Pack) User Manual

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Material library (.adsklib)

For some product you could have a

VICOUSTIC_Product Name_ DEMO .rvt

file and a

Material Library file ( .adsklib)


If the desired material library does not display in the Material Browser library list, you
need to load that library. To load a material library, your computer must be able to locate

and access the *.adsklib file that defines the library.

1.Click Manage tab Settings panel


2.In the Material Browser dialog, on the browser toolbar, click the


menu Open Existing Library.
3.Browse to and select the material library file (*.adsklib), and click Open.
The selected material library displays in the library list. Now you can copy materials

from that library into your projects or into other user libraries.

In the

demo .rvt

file you can find examples to understand how to use the product.

Generally you have different methodological options when you have a .adsklib file.

We analyse an example regarding the product “FLAT PANEL VMT” where you could have

two options:


Assign VICOUSTIC Material to a layer of the wall stratigraphy. You can use a generic wall
because the Material contains all data of the product you need. This method is because
you could assign the Material to every object. So if you have a "ceiling" or a "wall" you
can assign the VICOUSTIC Material so that object can get all the DATA info you need.
Just remember to read the dimensions of the Material/product so you could adjust the
wall/floor/ceiling - thickness in particular.
Data are “shared parameters”, so extractable into a schedule.


You can use this Wall family with the type "595x595x20mm" so you have just one layer

of 20mm to locate faced to a wall.

We personally suggest the option 1. Material saved into a Material library ( .adsklib) can
be easily used in every project. Even when you have existing walls you could just create a

new layer without losing PRODUCT DATA because technical information and identity
data are inside the material!




