HP 16500C User Manual

Page 123

background image

-002, etc), and states captured after
the trigger are numbered with posi-
tive numbers (001, 002, etc).

vertical position

See offset field.


See vertical sensitivity

vertical sensitivity

In the oscillo-

scope, the voltage value that
determines the amplitude of the
waveform on the screen. It is meas-
ured in volts per division and is
viewed in the V/div field. You change
the vertical sensitivity using the
knob or the keypad.

when field

In the oscilloscope,

part of the Pattern Mode menu. It is
a toggle field that allows you to
choose whether to trigger on the se-
lected pattern when it is entered or


In the oscilloscope or tim-

ing analyzer, to expand and contract
the waveform along the time base by
varying the value in the s/Div field.
This action allows you to select spe-
cific portions of a particular
waveform in acquisition memory that
will be displayed on the screen. You
can view any portion of the wave-
form record in acquisition memory.
Zooming and panning are useful in
displaying single-shot waveforms.



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