Hosts, Hosts top n, Matrix – 3Com 1100 User Manual

Page 205: Events

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What is RMON?



The Hosts group specifies a table of traffic and error statistics for each
host (endstation) on a LAN segment or VLAN. Statistics include packets
sent and received, octets sent and received, as well as broadcasts,
multicasts, and error packets sent.

The group supplies a list of all hosts that have transmitted across the
network. The next group, Hosts Top N, requires implementation of the
Hosts group.

Hosts Top N

The Hosts Top N group extends the Hosts table by providing sorted host
statistics, such as the top 20 hosts sending packets or an ordered list of all
hosts according to the errors they sent over the last 24 hours.


The Matrix group shows the amount of traffic and number of errors
between pairs of devices on a LAN segment or VLAN. For each pair, the
Matrix group maintains counters of the number of packets, number of
octets, and error packets between the hosts.

The conversation matrix helps you to examine network statistics in more
detail to discover, for example, who is talking to whom or if a particular
PC is producing more errors when communicating with its file server.
Combined with Hosts Top N, this allows you to view the busiest hosts and
their primary conversation partners.


The Events group provides you with the ability to create entries in an
event log and send SNMP traps to the management workstation. Events
can originate from a crossed threshold on any RMON variable. In addition
to the standard five traps required by SNMP (link up, link down, warm
start, cold start, and authentication failure), RMON adds two more: rising
threshold and falling threshold.

Effective use of the Events group saves you time; rather than having to
watch real-time graphs for important occurrences, you can depend on
the Event group for notification. Through the SNMP traps, events can
trigger other actions, therefore providing a way to automatically respond
to certain occurrences.
