2 using remote console – SENA LS100W User Manual

Page 15

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login: admin

password: *****
Type 'help' to get command usages
> help
set group par1 [par2 ...] + <CR>
- group = 'ip','host','serial' or 'admin'

- par1 ... = configuration parameters. Use * to keep a parameter's value
get [group] + <CR>
- group = 'ip','host','serial','admin' or 'status'
- If group is specified, shows settings of the group.
- If group is omitted, shows settings of all groups.

factorydefault [option] + <CR>
- if option is omitted, all parameters are set with factory default values.
- if option='-ip',

all parameters except IP settings are set with factory default values.

help [group] + <CR>

- If group is omitted, shows this screen.
- If group is specified, shows 'set' command usage of the group.
save + <CR>
- Save changes
exit + <CR>

- Exit without rebooting the device
reboot + <CR>
- Exit and reboot the device


Figure 2-6. The LS100W console screen

From the command prompt screen, users can set, get and save configuration parameter values using

‘set’, ‘get’ and ‘save’ command. Users also can exit the console or reboot the device using ‘exit” and

‘reboot’ command. The usage of the commands can be found using ‘help’ command. For command

usages description, please refer to section 2.4 Command usage.

2.3.2 Using Remote Console

The LS100W provides remote console feature via telnet as well as serial console so that users can

access the LS100W at remote site for configuration and monitoring purposes. The IP address of the

LS100W must be known before users can access the remote console port. The port number for the

remote console is 23, which is a TCP port number assigned for Telnet.

Only one user can log into the remote console or serial console at a time. If the serial console is

established while a remote console is established, current remote console will be halted and no more

remote console will be established until serial console is finished.

To access remote console of the LS100W, please use the step as follows:


Run a telnet program or a program that supports telnet functions such as TeraTerm-Pro or


The target IP address and the port number should be those of the LS100W.

If required, specify the port number as 23.
