Autostart CT-5060 User Manual

Ct-5060, User guide

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– September 9, 2004

Manufactured in Canada by Autostart

M A N U A L T R A N S M I S S I O N M U L T I - C H A N N E L R E M O T E

S T A R T E R A N D F U L L - F E A T U R E D A L A R M S Y S T E M


User Guide

Introduction......................................... 1

Basic Remote Operation..................... 1

Remote-starting Your Vehicle............. 2

Remote-starting ............................ 2

Setting the system to Ready Mode..... 2

Remaining in Ready Mode ........... 2

Vehicle Presets............................. 3

Driving Off..................................... 3

Idle Mode............................................ 3

Valet Mode.......................................... 4

Ignition Valet....................................... 4

Remote Valet...................................... 4

Panic Mode......................................... 4

Quick Lockout


.................................. 5

Cold Weather Mode............................ 5

Priority Door Access ........................... 6

Chirp Delete........................................ 6

User-selectable Options ..................... 6

Safe Start...................................... 6

Remote Door Locks...................... 6

Passive or Active Arming.............. 7

Disarmed Notification.................... 7

Shock Sense And Warn-Away

Sense............................................ 7

Siren Chirps.................................. 7

Open Zone Notification:................ 7

Ignition-Controlled Door Locks ..... 7

Ignition Re-Lock............................ 8

Secure Lock.................................. 8

Remote Trunk Release................. 8

Starter Kill ..................................... 8

Engine Run Time.......................... 8

Multi-Car Operation ...................... 8

Car Finder........................................... 9

Diagnostics – Chirps Diagnostics –

Parking Lights..................................... 9

Parking Lights Flash Rate (Normal

Operation)........................................... 9


This Module is a state-of-the-art combination of an Alarm system and a remote car

starter. It represents a major breakthrough in vehicle security technology and remote
starter systems.

Basic Remote Operation

This system is equipped with a 4-button multi-channel two-way transmitter. It can operate

two independent identically-equipped vehicles (see Multi-Car Operation for second-car

transmitter functions).
The functions of the transmitter are as follows:

Table of contents