UEi Test Instruments C75OILKIT User Manual

Page 11

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E l e c t romagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

This product has been tested for compliance with the following
generic standards:

EN 50081-1, EN 50082-1

and is certified to be compliant.

The European Council Directive 89/336/EEC requires that electronic
equipment does not generate electromagnetic disturbances that exceed
defined levels and has an adequate level of immunity to enable it to be
operated as intended.

Since there are many electrical products in use that pre-date this
Directive and may emit electromagnetic radiation in excess of the
standards defined in the Directive there may be occasions where it
would be appropriate to check the analyzer prior to use. The following
procedure should be adopted.

• Go through the normal start up sequence in the location where the

equipment is to be used

• Switch on all localized electrical equipment that might be capable

of causing interference

• Check that all readings are as expected (a level of disturbance in

the readings is acceptable)

• If not, adjust the position of the instrument to minimize

interference or switch off, if possible, the offending equipment for
the duration of the test

At the time of writing this manual (July 200) Kane International Ltd is not
aware of any field based situation where such interference has ever occurred
and this advice is only given to satisfy the requirements of the Directive.


P. 8

Tro u b l e s h o o t i n g

The following is a list of problems that may occur on the instrument
through its operating life. If the cause of the fault is not easy to
identify then we advise you to contact UEi Technical Support line
at (800) 547-5740.

Fault Symptom


• Analyzer will not power off

CO reading too high, or faulty sensor.
The analyzer will not power off completely
if the CO reading is above 20 ppm, or the
sensor has an error (indicated by “----” in
the display for CO

• Oxygen too high

Air leaking into probe, tubing, water trap,

• CO


too low

connectors or internal to instrument,

or water trap plug missing

Oxygen cell needs replacing

• Oxygen error “----”

Instrument has been stored in a

• CO sensor error “----”

cold environment and is not
at normal working tempera t u r e
Oxygen cell or CO sensor needs replacing

• Display flashes

Display “HOLD” is activated
B a t t e ry level is low

• Analyzer not running on

AC charger not giving correct output

mains adapter

• Analyzer does not respond

Particle filer blocked

to flue gas

Probe or tubing blocked
Pump not working or damaged
with contaminant's

• Net temperature or efficiency

Inlet (or ambient) temperature set wrong

calculation incorrect

during automatic ca l i b ra t i o n

• Flue temperature readings

Te m p e rature plug reversed in socket

e r ra t i c

Fa u l ty connection or break in cable or plug

• X-Air, EFF, COa or CO 2

Oxygen reading is above 18 %

display (----)

• Meter just continually beeps

Turn dial back to “MENU” and press

This manual is related to the following products: