Sql object in statement, Catalog references in statements, Physvol references in statements – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 103: Sql object in statement a-3, Catalog references in statements a-3, Physvol references in statements a-3

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SQL DDL Statements

HP NonStop SQL DDL Replicator User’s Guide 545799-005


SQL object in Statement

SQL object in Statement

The target SQL object is the first SQL object name in the statement. In general (except
for a CREATE), if the target SQL object does not exist, the SQL error is ignored and
SDR proceeds to restart the RDF updaters. CREATE, of course, will not get a SQL
error if the target SQL object does not exist.

If there is a secondary reference (such as partition, catalog, LIKE table, etc.) to a SQL
object that does not exist, the resulting SQL error causes SDR to issue an EMS
message and wait for operator intervention.

Catalog References in Statements

Catalog names, including default catalog names, must be translated to the backup file
names using the RDF configuration. If you have an RDF mapfile and wish to map
catalog names, then the filename $vol.subvol.CATALOG must be appropriately

SDR will translate catalog references even if catalog subvolumes are excluded in the
RDF configuration. They will be translated to the same subvolume name on the backup
volume. Note that the volume must be protected by RDF.

This does not apply to CREATE CATALOG and DROP CATALOG. Also,
AUTOCREATECATALOG will not create a catalog when the catalog subvolume is
excluded in the RDF configuration.

PHYSVOL References in Statements

Some DDL statements support the assignment of virtual volumes to a specific physical
volume, or PHYSVOL. When SDR processes PHYSVOL references, the RDF
configuration must contain the physical volumes in its volume table. Also, the virtual


PURGE is an SQLCI utility that is converted to a DROP statement
for each SQL object that is referenced by the file set. The individual
DROP statements are replicated separately by SDR.

References to programs and Enscribe files are not processed by


SECURE is an SQLCI utility that is converted by SQLCI to an
ALTER statement for each SQL object that is referenced by the file
set. The individual ALTER statements are replicated separately by

References to programs and Enscribe files are not processed by


By default, the capture of UPDATE STATISTICS is suppressed.
It can be enabled by setting the global parameter
UPDATESTATISTICS to ON. See the description of



page 6-5.

DDL Operation

Considerations and Processing Notes

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