Adding dependency jar files – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

Page 403

background image

<target name="generate.service" depends="prepare">

<copy file="WebContent/META-INF/services.xml" tofile="${dest.dir.classes}/META-INF/services.xml"
overwrite="true" />
<copy file="WebContent/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml" tofile="${dest.dir.classes}/applicationContext.xml"
overwrite="true" />
<copy file="WebContent/WEB-INF/" tofile="${dest.dir.classes}/"
overwrite="true" />

<javac debug="on" srcdir="src" destdir="${dest.dir.classes}"
<classpath refid="build.class.path" />

<jar basedir="${dest.dir.classes}" destfile="${dest.dir}/${service-name}.aar" />


<target name="copy.jars">
<copy todir="${dest.dir.classes}/lib">
<fileset dir="${spring.home}/dist/modules">
<include name="*.jar"/>


Edit the build.xml file to specify the values of <Axis2 Home> and <Spring Home> as

<property name="axis2.home" value="<Axis2 Home>" />
<property name="spring.home" value="<Spring Home>" />

For example, if <Axis2 Home> is C:\axis2-1.5.2 and <Spring Home> is

, edit the above lines as shown:

<property name="axis2.home" value=" C:\axis2-1.5.2" />
<property name="spring.home" value=" C:\spring-framework-3.0.0.RELEASE"/>

Adding Dependency JAR Files

To expose EmpInfo as an Axis2/Java web service, the following JAR files, other than the ones
added while developing EmpInfo application, must be added in the EmpInfo project library:

Table 13 Dependency JAR Files

Source Location

Dependency JAR Files

<Axis2 Home>\lib


<Axis2 Home>\lib


The EmpInfo application is now modified to integrate Axis2/Java.

Figure 157

shows the EmpInfo: Project Explorer View.

Example of Integrating Axis2/Java with Spring 403

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