Animation effect selection – Pure Avalon 300R Connect User Manual

Page 51

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Animation effect selection

To select your preferred animtion effect, select the Animation effect option from the Channels
menu. The Animation effects page is then displayed and you can select the animation effect
that is used for screen transitions when you change channels. The effect is applied to the
outgoing screen, before being replaced with the next screen.

Select your preferred animation effect using the and buttons. The options are as follows:

no animation effect will be used

Page Peel

(default) the screen peels from the top right-hand corner

Swing Open

the screen swings open to the right

Fall Away

the screen flips over, falling in to the the distance

Zoom Dissolve

the screen zooms in and then dessolves to black

Circular Wipe

the screen dissolves from the centre outwards


the screen dissolves

Vertical Wipe

the screen wipes down from the top


the screen dissolves in a ripple from the centre outwards


a random animation effect from the list above is used each time
