About the technology, So what exactly does it do, Understanding compression – Antares TASCAM TA-1VP User Manual

Page 10: Threshold and ratio, About the technology so what exactly does it do, 2 – introducing the tascam ta-1vp vocal producer

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About the technology

The models employed by the TA-1VP are not derived

from theoretical considerations. They are generated by

a proprietary analysis process that is applied to each

physical mic modeled. Not only the sonic characteristics,

but the behavior of other parameters such as low-cut

filters or proximity effects accurately reflect the specific

performance of each microphone modeled.
Another advantage of this model-based approach is that

there is essentially no processing delay apart from the

natural phase effects of the microphones being modeled.
Finally, the quality and signal-to-noise characteristics

of the processing are pristine. Because of Antare's

commitment to model-based processing, there are none

of the limitations or distortions characteristic of FFT-based

algorithms. The quality of the output is limited only by the

quality of the input.

So what exactly does it do?

While there is a lot of fairly complicated stuff going on

under the hood, the essential functionality of the TA-1VP's

Mic Modeling module is really quite simple. Basically,

audio originally recorded by a microphone is input to

the TA-1VP where it is first processed by a “Source Model”

which serves to neutralize the known characteristics of

the input mic. The audio is then processed by a second

“Modeled Mic” model which imposes the characteristics

of the modeled mic onto the previously neutralized signal.

Finally, the audio is passed through a model of a high-

quality tube preamp offering the option of classic tube

saturation distortion.

Understanding Compression

Compression is probably the most widely used (and

potentially confusing) signal process used in today’s

studios. Simply put, compression reduces the dynamic

range of a signal. That is, it reduces the difference in

loudness between the loudest and quietest parts of a

piece of music. Another way to think about this is that the

compressor is acting as an automatic fader which fades

down when the signal gets loud and fades back up when

the signal gets soft.
Why reduce the dynamic range? Consider the problem

of mixing the vocal in a contemporary rock or pop song.

Typically, pop music has a relatively consistent level of

loudness. If an uncompressed vocal track is added to a

typical pop mix, loudly sung words or syllables would

jump out of the mix, while quieter phrases would be

buried beneath the instrumental texture. This is because

the difference between the loudest and softest sounds

in the vocal - its dynamic range - is very large. This same

problem occurs for any instrument which has a dynamic

range larger than the music bed into which it is being

mixed. (For that reason, most instruments, not just vocals,

undergo some compression in the typical mix.)

By using a compressor to decrease the dynamic range of

the vocal, the softer sounds are increased in loudness and

the loudest sounds are reduced in loudness, tending to

even out the overall level of the track. The overall level of

the compressed track can then be increased (using what

is referred to as “make-up gain”), making the vocal track

louder and more consistent in level, and therefore easier

to hear in the mix.

Threshold and Ratio

How is compression measured? What is a little

compression and what is a lot of compression?
The effect a compressor has on a track is determined by

the settings of its threshold and ratio. The threshold is the

level above which the signal is attenuated. The ratio is the

measure of how much the dynamic range is compressed.
The graph shown below shows the relationship between

the input level of a signal and the output level of the

signal after compression. Notice that signals that are

louder than the threshold are compressed (reduced

in level) while those softer than the threshold are

As the input signal exceeds the threshold, gain reduction

(reduction in loudness) is applied. The amount of gain

reduction that is applied depends on the compression

ratio. The higher the compression ratio, the more gain

reduction is applied to the signal.
The graph shows the relationship between compression

ratio and gain reduction. Examine the 2 to 1 ratio curve.

For signals above the threshold, this setting transforms a

range of loudness 2 units large into a range of loudness

one unit large (i.e., if the input signal gets “x” units louder,

the compressed signal increases by only “x/2” units).













2 – Introducing the TASCAM TA-1VP Vocal Producer
