Timing disable, Shift] + [go] and [shift] + [back, Show file – ETC Eos Family v2.2.0 User Manual

Page 27: Mirror mode, Collapsing psd columns, Magic sheets on direct selects, Using park changes, Recall from park, Eos family v2.0.1

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E T C S u p p l e m e n t

Eos Family v2.0.1

Eos Family v2.0.1 Operations Manual Supplement

Page 4

Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

Timing Disable

This change affects the Setup and Cue Playback chapters.

You can assign a separate time value for [Timing Disable] in Setup> Desk> Manual Control>
Default Times> Timing Disable
. When a fader has been set to timing disable mode, cues will use
the time set in Setup. The default time is 0.

[Shift] + [Go] and [Shift] + [Back]

[Shift] + [Go] and [Shift] + [Back] can be used to cut to the next cue in the same way as [Timing
Disable] + [Go]
and [Timing Disable] + [Back].

Show File

An indicator has been added to show when a show file has been
modified but not saved. An asterisk (*) will display beside the show file

Mirror Mode

This change affects the Mirror Mode section of the Multi-console and Synchronized Backup

A device that is currently in mirror mode can select which user number it is mirroring by using the
alphanumeric keyboard shortcut M + # (# being the user number). M + ESCAPE can be used to
leave mirror mode.

Collapsing PSD Columns

This change affects the Playback Status Display section of the System Basics chapter.

To collapse a column in the Playback Status Display, press [Escape] while clicking on the column
you want to collapse. Press [Shift] + [Select] to bring back all of the collapsed columns.

Magic Sheets on Direct Selects

Magic Sheets can now be accessed from the direct selects. Clicking on a magic sheet direct select
will open the Magic Sheet tab and display the selected magic sheet. Pressing a different magic
sheet direct select will change the displayed sheet.

Using Park Changes

Changes in this section impact the Using Park chapter.

Recall From Park

You can use [Recall From] [Park] to set a channel or parameter to the same level as the current
park value.

For Example:

Let’s assume that channels 1 through 5 are parked at 55. To recall that level to channels in live or
blind, use the following syntax:

[1] [Thru] [1][5] [Recall From] [Park] [Enter]

Channels 1 through 5 will be set to 55 and channels 6 through 15 will be unaffected.

N o t e :

If a device is not currently in mirror mode, pressing M on an alphanumeric

keyboard will post Mark to the command line.

N o t e :

This does not release the Park buffer.
