Technical assistance – UVP EC3 Imaging System User Manual

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Products available from UVP

VisionWorksLS Image Acquisition and Analysis Software

Ultraviolet Transilluminators

UV/White Light Transilluminators

Visi-Blue Transilluminators and Plates

White Light Transilluminators and Plates

Gel Tools

UV Crosslinkers

UV Viewing Cabinets

UV Lamps

Ultraviolet Intensity Meters

Hybridization Ovens

PCR Workstations

UV Incubator

Technical Assistance

UVP offers technical support for all of its products. If you have any questions about the product’s use,
operation or repair, please call or fax UVP Customer Service or Technical Support at the following:

If you are located in North America, South

If you are in Europe, Africa, the Middle East

America, East Asia or Australia:

or Western Asia:

Call (800) 452-6788 or (909) 946-3197 and

Call +44(0) 1223-420022 and ask for BioImaging

ask for BioImaging Systems Technical Support.

Systems Technical Support. Support is available

Tech Support assistance is available during

during regular business days, between 8:00am

regular business days, between 7:00am and

and 5:30 pm UK time.

5:30 pm PST.

E-Mail your message to:

E-Mail your message to

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fax your questions to:

Fax your questions to:

(909) 946-3597


Write to:

Write to:

BioImaging Systems Technical Support

BioImaging Systems Technical Support


Ultra-Violet Products Ltd.

2066 W. 11th Street

Unit 1, Trinity Hall Farm Estate, Nuffield Road

Upland, CA 91786 USA

Cambridge CB4 1TG UK

NOTE! A Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number must be obtained from UVP’s
Customer Service Department prior to returning any product to UVP.

EC3 Imaging System


This manual is related to the following products: