System requirements for beoplayer and beoport, Supported media formats, Software update – beomaster 5 – Bang & Olufsen BeoPlayer - User Guide User Manual

Page 45: System requirements for beoplayer and, Beoport

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Hardware requirements:
Processor: Min. 1GHz

System memory: Min. 512MB RAM

Graphic card: Min. 32MB video RAM, support for Super VGA
Hard drive: Min. 100 Mb of available space
USB socket: One available for BeoPort

Operating system requirements:

Windows Vista or Windows XP

DirectX 8.1 or above
Media Player 9.0 or above

Default supported photo formats are: jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, gif,
bmp and png.
Default supported video clip formats are: avi, asf, wmv, mpg,
mpeg. However, this depends on which codec is installed on

your computer.
Supported N.MUSIC formats are: Mp3, WMA, WAV (with

BeoMaster 5 also, M4A, AAC, MP4).

On a regular basis the software of BeoMaster 5 is updated.
New BeoMaster 5 software will also be offered to you. When
a dialogue box appears, asking you whether or not you wish to
install new software, you can answer ‘Later’.

If you have chosen ‘Later’, you get the option ‘Update
software’, when you right-click on the Bang & Olufsen icon.

Just click this option and the update process begins.

System requirements for

BeoPlayer and BeoPort

Supported media formats

Software update – BeoMaster 5
