Connecting the m6 to an nfs mount, Exporting an nfs mount point, Mount the nfs share on the m6 – ThingMagic Mercury API v1.23.0 User Manual

Page 118: Telnet to the reader, If you have successfully completed

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Building On-Reader Applications


On Reader Applications

getty:unknown:/sbin/getty 115200 /dev/ttyS1




Connecting the M6 to an NFS Mount

Exporting an NFS Mount Point

To export an nfs mount point from your host Linux PC, add this line to the /etc/exportfs

/tmp *(rw,insecure,no_root_squash,sync)

Mount the NFS Share on the M6

Mount the PC's NFS share by issuing the following command on the M6:

mount -o nolock,vers=2 pc_ip_address:/tmp /mnt.

Now your PC's /tmp directory is visible on the reader as /mnt

Telnet to the Reader

In order to gain access to the M6 console interface you can telnet into the M6 as follows:


telnet reader_ip_address.

The default username is root and the password is secure. You will see a Linux prompt.
You are now logged into the reader.

C A U T I O N !



Do not delete any lines from this file. The
reader may not work properly if all the pro-
grams do not start.
