Uri examples, Region of operation, Region of operation 23 – ThingMagic Mercury API v1.23.0 User Manual

Page 23: Succeeds the, Should

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Connecting to Readers

Level 1 API


URI Examples

Please note the specific format of the URI path will depend on the OS and drivers being
used. The following are some common examples but it is not an exhaustive list.


tmr:///com2 - typical format to connect to a serial based module on Windows COM2.


tmr:///dev/cu.usbserial - common format for the USB interface on MacOSX.


tmr:///dev/ACM0 or tmr:///dev/USB0 - common format for Linux depending on the

USB driver being used.


tmr:// - typical format to connect to a fixed reader connected on a

network at address “”. This will try first to connect to an



port 5084, if no response then it will try to connect to an


on port 8080.


eapi:///com1 - typical format to connect to a serial based module on Windows COM1


eapi:///dev/ttyUSB0 - typical format to connect to a USB device named ttyUSB0 on a

Unix system.


rql://reader.example.com/ - typical format to connect to a fixed reader connected on

a network at address “reader.example.com” on the default RQL port of 8080


rql://reader.example.com:2500/ - typical format to connect to a fixed reader

connected on a network at address “reader.example.com” on the non-default RQL
port of 2500


llrp://reader.example.com/ - typical format to connect to a fixed reader connected on

a network at address “reader.example.com” on the default, standard LLRP port of


llrp://reader.example.com:2500/ - typical format to connect to a fixed reader

connected on a network at address “reader.example.com” on the non-default LLRP
port of 2500

Sample files within the MercuryAPI SDK may be used implement an additional URI
(which is not “discovered” by the “tmr” URI):


tcp://reader.example.com/ - custom format to connect to a fixed reader connected

on a network at address “reader.example.com” on the default port of the tcp bridge.


tcp://reader.example.com:2500/ - custom format to connect to a fixed reader

connected on a network at address “reader.example.com” on the non-default tcp port
of 2500

Region of Operation

The Region enumeration represents the different regulatory regions that the device may
operate in
(see reader specific Hardware Guide for supported regions). Supported
Region enumeration values are:
