Gen2.nxp.g2i.easalarm and gen2.nxp.g2x.easalarm, Gen2.nxp.g2i.calibrate and gen2.nxp.g2x.calibrate, Gen2.nxp.g2i.changeconfig – ThingMagic Mercury API v1.23.0 User Manual

Page 50: Gen2 tag specific tagops - impinj monza4

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Advanced Tag Operations


Level 2 API

Gen2.NXP.G2I.EasAlarm and Gen2.NXP.G2X.EasAlarm

sets or resets the EAS system bit. When set, the tag will return an alarm code if an “EAS

Alarm” command is received.

The response to the EAS Alarm command contains 8 bytes of EAS Alarm Data


Cannot be used through

Embedded TagOp Invocation

, only via

Direct Invocation

and it does not support

TagFilter Interface


Gen2.NXP.G2I.Calibrate and Gen2.NXP.G2X.Calibrate

Calibrate causes the tag to return a random data pattern that is useful in some frequency
spectrum measurements.


Calibrate can only be sent when the tag is in the Secured state, when the
access password is non-zero.


Used to toggle the bits of the G2i* tag’s Gen2.ConfigWord. Specify ‘true’ for each field of

Gen2.NXP.G2I.ConfigWord to toggle that setting.

Different version of the G2i* tags support different features. See tag data sheet for
specific bits supported.

The Gen2.NXP.G2I.ChangeConfig command can ONLY be sent in the Secured state, i.e.
requires a non- zero password. Caution should be used when using this through an

Embedded TagOp Invocation

. Since this command toggles the specified fields, if the tag

responds twice (or an even number of times) during an inventory round the end result will
be no change.

Gen2 Tag Specific TagOps - Impinj Monza4

The following tag operations are custom tag commands supported only on tags using
Impinj Monza4 and Monza5 chips. These operations are supported by readers of type


and the M6.
