Horizon line, pitch and roll indicators, Stabilized heading tape, Altitude digital readout – Dynon Avionics EFIS-D10 Users Guide User Manual

Page 11: Altitude tape

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Horizon line, pitch and roll indicators

Bounded on the top by blue, and on the bottom by brown, the horizon line works in much the
same way that you would expect a traditional gyro-based artificial horizon to work. The notable
exception to this is the fact that it does not have a roll or pitch limitation in its display. The
division between blue and brown stays parallel to the actual horizon line regardless of your pitch
or roll. The parallel lines above and below the horizon line are the pitch indicator lines. Each line
represents 5 degrees of pitch. Similarly the arrow rotating around the roll indicator gives you an

idea as to the value of your roll. Each tic mark represents 10 degrees of roll.

Stabilized heading tape

This element functions much like a standard cockpit magnetic compass. The triangle alerts you to your current heading
allowing you to quickly ascertain the value in degrees based on the surrounding values.

Altitude digital readout

The digital readout of your altitude, like the tape bar, displays thousands of feet using large
numbers and hundreds of feet using small numbers. Its proximity to the altitude bar will allow you
to quickly and easily associate the two screen elements. During the first 30 seconds of operation,
the altitude digital readout and tape will not be displayed as the unit needs a small amount of time
before altitude measurements are deemed accurate.

Altitude tape

The altitude tape bar gives you a visual representation of your altitude. The white triangle gives
you an analog view of your current altitude while the digital readout gives you a more precise
