6 cooling medium connection with a chiller, 2 recirculating chiller f-1xx, Cooling medium connection with a chiller – BUCHI Extraction Unit E-816 HE User Manual

Page 24: 5 .6 cooling medium connection with a chiller

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5 Putting into operation


E-812/816 Hot Extraction Operation Manual, Version B

To save water the instrument switches off the flow 5 minutes after the extraction has ended.

The condensers can be filled with cooling medium in the Service mode. In this case, proceed as

• Change to the service mode (click Menu, go to Mode and change from Extraction to Service, then

confirm with OK).

• Open the cooling medium valve (click Menu, go to Service functions, then to Valve testing, select

Cooling water and press Open).

• Open the cooling medium flow (open the water tap).
• After all condensers are filled with cooling medium, close the valve again and set the instrument

back to the Extraction mode (click Menu, go to Mode and change from Service to Extraction, then
confirm with OK).

The temperature of the cooling water must be at least 25 °C below the boiling point of the organic
solvent used. If this is not possible use a chiller.

5 .6

Cooling medium connection with a chiller

5 .6 .1

Recirculating Chiller B-740/41 or equivalent model

When you operate with a BUCHI Recirculating Chiller B-740/41 or an equivalent model of another
manufacturer, use the adapter (see figure below) to connect the water input to the chiller output. Make
sure, that the axial seal is inserted.
A temperature of 10 °C is recommended.

• Adapter

• Axial seal within the adapter

5 .6 .2

Recirculating Chiller F-1xx

To connect the chiller models F-1xx to the extraction unit use the chiller connection set (article no.

F-100: to be used with one E-812, F-108: to be used with one E-816 or two E-812, F-114: to be
used with two E-816

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