Mariner Software MacGourmet Deluxe User Manual

Page 54

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Create export files for published items - Checkbox that allows you to create
MacGourmet Deluxe export files as part of your publication, so that importing
your recipes by other users can be as simple as just dragging the image of an
export file from a web page into MacGourmet Deluxe.

Finally, the Template and Style pop up menus allow you to pick one of the in-
cluded MacGourmet Deluxe themes for your publication.

After creating the specifica-
tion for your publication, you
can publish it by choosing
Share > Publish.

The Publish menu contains
your publications, listed by
their titles. Selecting a publi-
cation from the menu will
create all of the files neces-
sary for your site, in the lo-
cation you specified. Once the publication is complete, you can access it using
the URL displayed in the field labeled "This site's address is:" when your publi-
cation is selected in the Publish preferences table.

