Adding a new nutritional item – Mariner Software MacGourmet Deluxe User Manual

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Adding a New Nutritional Item
To add a new item, choose Nutrition > New Item or press the “New Item” button
in the toolbar. This will open a window that allows you to add information
commonly found on product packages in the “Nutrition Facts” box for your

After filling in the name for your item and choosing
the group it belongs too, you must fill in the “Serving
Size” and “Weight” fields for your item. It’s best to
enter the size in as clear a manner as possible. For
instance, as “1 cup” or “1 tablespoon.”

At times you might have to do your own conversion
for your item to work properly. An example of this is
when you want to enter the
information for “1 can
cream of chicken soup.” The
USDA doesn’t offer a weight
for 1 can, so you’d have to
enter your own item, unless
you’re willing to convert
your ingredient into cups.
Unfortunately, when you
look at the can you find it
lists the amount for 1 cup in
milliliters, not in grams, and
your item weight has to be
entered in grams. To solve
this problem, you can find,
by doing a search in the nu-
trition database, that the
USDA does provide a meas-
urement for the soup you
are using of 124g for each
1/2 cup. The soup can lists
that there are 2.5 1/2 cup
servings in each can, so you
can then fill in “1 can” for your Serving Size, and 310g for your Weight (124g x
2.5 = 310g). Now, if you map your soup ingredient to your nutritional item, you
can do your calculation correctly when your ingredient is in cans.

