Electronics – Ram Trucks 2013 Chassis Cab - User Guide User Manual

Page 75

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Call Initiation (Requires that phone has

been Bluetooth


paired with radio

“Dial 123-456-7890” (phone number)

“Call John Smith mobile” (home, office, other)


“Show outgoing” (recent) “calls”

Call Management

“Search for John Smith” (any contact

name in address book)

“Show (display list) contacts”

Voice Texting (Available during trial period

or if subscribed to Uconnect


Access Ad-


Create a text message using Voice Com-

mand Capability

“Send a message to John Smith


“Show Messages”

“Listen to” (view) “number 4”

“Forward text” (message) “to John

Smith” (phone type, number)

Voice Text Reply (Radio audibly recognizes

these 18 pre-formatted SMS messages as

you speak)

Forward one of 18 pre-formatted SMS

messages to incoming calls/text mes-





“I can’t talk right now.”

“Call me.”

“I’ll call you later.”

“I’m on my way.”


“I’ll be late.”

“I will be <number> minutes late.”

“See you in <number> minutes”

“Stuck in traffic.”

“Start without me.”

“Where are you?”

“Are you there yet?”

“I need directions.”

“I’m lost.”

“See you later.”


BING™ (BING™ adds it's own audible

prompts, and response time varies de-

pending on carrier coverage speed)

“Launch BING” – Required 1st voice

command to launch BING™ app

“BING Search” – Required 2nd voice com-

mand to activate app functionality using

Steering Wheel Voice Control Button

“Hotel” (restaurant, gas station, mail, hospi-

tal) – for nearest desired general POI

“Italian restaurants” – for nearest specified

POI category

“Hotels” (restaurants, hospitals, Starbucks) “in

Miami” (location) – specified distance POI


