Estimated time en-route, hh:mm (ete), Estimated time en-route, mm:ss (ete), Range to a waypoint (rng) – Trio Avionics Pro Pilot User Manual

Page 22: Waypoint, Digital rate of turn display, Automatic field scan mode

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Trio Pro Pilot Manual 3.8


Estimated Time En-route, HH:MM (ETE)

The ETE (estimated time en-route) field shows the time to the
current waypoint based on the closing velocity (NMEA link
only) to the waypoint (which may be different from the
groundspeed GS/distance calculation discussed above).

If the last "E" in the ETE label is in upper case the display format is HH:MM, hours and minutes. This is
switched automatically between HH:MM and MM:SS (minutes and seconds) as ETe depending on the
results of RNG/GS (distance/closing velocity) calculation


Estimated Time En-route, MM:SS (ETe)

This field is identical to the ETE field except the format is
MM:SS (minutes:seconds). This format is automatically
displayed when the RNG/CLOSING VELOCITY calculation
indicates the next waypoint is less than 60 minutes away.

Range to A Waypoint (RNG)

This field contains the distance remaining to the current “TO”
waypoint with the least significant digit being in tenths of a
mile. If the distance is over 100 miles the least significant digit
is in units of nautical miles (GPS NMEA serial data output is

always in nautical miles, even though the GPS screen may be set to statute miles). This field is limited to
a maximum value of 999 miles.


The waypoint identifier currently programmed as the “TO”
waypoint is presented in this field. Up to six alphanumeric
characters are available for this data field, allowing for

intersection and user waypoint identifications. This field will flash at a 2 pulses per second (PPS) rate for
approximately 10 seconds when past the last waypoint in the route or past the last GOTO waypoint or if
the aircraft is being flown more than 90 degrees away from the waypoint.

Digital Rate of Turn Display

A digital graphic representing the current yaw rate is
presented to the pilot when this field is selected. The limit on
this rate is approximately ±4.5 degrees per second full scale.

On the turn rate display the 3 deg/sec rate is denoted by the tip of the arrow presented in the display line.
The display shows a standard rate turn to the right.

Automatic Field Scan Mode

If the encoder knob is momentarily pressed two times in quick succession (double-clicked) the variable
field will enter or exit the “Scan Mode.” In this mode the data displayed is sequenced in the display at a
2.5 second rate. Additionally, it will also show the status of the altitude control functions when they are

This can be useful for sequentially monitoring all of the parameters put out by the GPS without having to
select each parameter manually.
