Vegetable juices – Champion juicer G5-NG-853-S User Manual

Page 10

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Beet Juice

Cut beets into sections to fit the feeding
chamber. Beet tops may also be used.
Feed at a steady pace.

Cabbage Juice

Any type of cabbage, head or loose leaf,
brussel sprouts, kale, or collard may be
used. Feed the cabbage at a steady pace.
Hold the tamper down 5 to 10 seconds
between charges. Since cabbage is over
90% liquid, there will be very little pulp
discharge. Cabbage juice should be
consumed immediately. Within a few
minutes after cabbage juice is made, it
will oxidize and have a strong odor. Do
not store cabbage juice.

Carrot Juice

Juice whole carrots one at a time. Do not
peel the carrots. Feed at a steady pace.
Straight carrot juice is an excellent drink.
It also is a popular base for many
blended juice combinations.

Celery Juice

Cut stalks into 3-4 inch pieces. Feed at
a steady speed, holding down the tamper
5-10 seconds each time. There will be
lesser amounts of pulp with celery. If
juicing large quantities of celery, stop
the machine after each bunch, remove
juicer parts, rinse them in cold water,
replace and proceed again.

Cucumber Juice

Cucumbers will juice very fast. Remove
bitter ends, and if desired, some or all
of the peel. Juice at a steady speed.

Potato Juice

All varieties of potatoes may be juiced,
such as new potatoes. All may be
peeled if desired. Cut into slices to fit
the feeding chamber and juice at a
steady pace. Let new potato juice set
for a few minutes to allow starch to
settle at the bottom. Juice can then be
poured off. Potato juice may be con-
sumed straight or mixed with other
juices. It is an excellent base for stews
and soups. Do not keep over 24 hours
unless cooked.

Tomato Juice

Feed tomato slices at a steady pace.
Seeds and peels will be discharged with
the pulp. Tomato juice can be cooked,
canned or frozen. DO NOT store
tomatoes in anything metallic or jars
with metal lids.

Vegetable Juices
