Turning Technologies TurningPoint 5 User Manual

Page 161

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TurningPoint 5 for PC



A question type that allows for an open ended response. TurningPoint does not grade essay responses; only XR, NXT and
ResponseWare devices are able to respond to essay questions.

Exclude from Grading

In the Session Editor, questions that are excluded from grading will not figure into the overall session percentages, points
possible or points earned if this option is selected.

Exclude Session

In Results Manager, sessions that are excluded from grading will not figure into the overall percentages, points possible or
points earned if this option is selected. If a session is excluded from grading, it cannot be included again.

Expected File Location

This is the location that TurningPoint expects to find the selected session. If the session is not found in that location, a “locate”
button will appear to allow for the redirection to the session’s location.

Export Overview

Export Overview is an option in Results Manager that allows the export of the Participant List Overview to a CSV.

Export Participant

Export Participant is an option in Results Manager that allows the export of multi-session information for each participant to a

Export Session

Export Session is an option in Results Manager that allows the export of the selected session’s column results to a CSV in a
predefined format.

Extract Session

A session can be selected and its data extracted from that file. Extract options include the PowerPoint presentation,
screenshots and the session’s question list.


Fastest Responders Slide

The Fastest Responders slide displays the individual participants who responded correctly and fastest to the most recent
question. This feature requires a correct response or point value.


Group Options

Group Options denotes the individual demographic designation for assigning groups; i.e. “male” and “female” are group options
assigned to the demographic grouping “gender.”


