Turning Technologies TurningPoint 5 User Manual

Page 77

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TurningPoint 5 for PC


The priority ranking slide contains a question text box, an answer text box that allows for up to 10 answer choices and a chart.
The participants’ responses are weighed and then ranked accordingly.

Priority Ranking Slide Preferences:

Question Options


Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list
information when polling.


Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed
from the drop-down menu.


Response Limit - The Response Limit dictates the number of answer
choices a participant can select for a specific question.


Allow Duplicates - When checked, participants are permitted to select the same answer choice more than once.


Response Weights - Set the value for each response by selecting a value from the drop-down menu or enter a value
from 0 to 99999. Repeat for the remaining answers.

Polling Options


Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens. When unchecked, the slide needs to be
advanced to open polling.


Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed. Showing Results during polling is not
available in Office 2007.


Convert to Demographic - When selected, the slide becomes demographic. A demographic grouping must be
assigned in the Preferences Panel.


A likert slide is used to determine varying levels of agreement or disagreement. The slide includes a generically worded
question and answers. The text can be edited.

Likert Slide Preferences:

Question Options


Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list
information when polling.


Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed
from the drop-down menu.


Multiple Responses - Multiple responses allow participants to send more
than one response to a question. When this box is checked the following
options may be set: Number of Responses, Allow Duplicates and All or
Nothing Scoring.

Polling Options


Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens. When unchecked, the slide needs to be
advanced to open polling.


Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed. Showing Results during polling is not
available in Office 2007.


First Response Only - When checked, TurningPoint only accepts the first response sent by each participant.

Scoring Options

