Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual

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User Manual


PEA IX+d 275

PEA IY+d 276

Persistent Memory Mode Changes in ADL and Z80

Modes 25

persistent mode 18

Pipeline Description 3

Pipelined fetch 2

pipelining process 4

POP AF 277

POP instruction 10, 57, 72

POP IX/Y 278

POP mnemonic 277, 278, 280

POP rr 280

Pop Stack 277, 278, 280

POP, Op Code Map 375, 377, 379

Processor Description 2

Program Counter 3, 4, 12, 25

program counter 46, 115, 141

Program Counter Register 10

Program Counter register 11

program counter, 16-bit 48

program counter, 24-bit 48

program counter, ending 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,

33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 112, 115, 180, 182, 183,

185, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 326

program counter, starting 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,

33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 112, 115


Push Effective Address 57, 275, 276

PUSH instruction 10, 35, 57


PUSH mnemonic 283, 285, 287

PUSH rr 286

Push Stack 282, 284, 286

PUSH, Op Code Map 375, 377, 379


real-time operating system 1

Register Access Abbreviations ix

register bank contents, exchanging 9

registers, special purpose 3

Related Documents vii

RES b, (HL) 288

RES b, (IX/Y+d) 289

RES b, r 291

Reset Bit 288, 289, 291

Reset MIXED MEMORY Mode Flag 325

Restart 326

Restart instruction 4

RET 292

RET cc 294

RETI 297


RETN 300


Return from Maskable Interrupt 297

Return from Nonmaskable Interrupt 300

Return from Subroutine 292

Return instruction 4

Risks with Using the .SIL Suffix 21

RL (HL) 303

RL (IX/Y+d) 304

RL r 305

RLA 307

RLC (HL) 308

RLC (IX/Y+d) 309

RLC r 310

RLCA 312

RLD 313

Rotate Left 303, 304, 305

Rotate Left Accumulator 307

Rotate Left Decimal 313

Rotate Left with Carry 308, 309, 310

Rotate Left with Carry–Accumulator 312

Rotate Right 314, 315, 316

Rotate Right Decimal 324

Rotate Right with Carry 319, 320, 321

Rotate Right with Carry–Accumulator 323

Rotate Right–Accumulator 318

RR (HL) 314

RR (IX/Y+d) 315

RR r 316

RRA 318

RRC (HL) 319

RRC (IX/Y+d) 320

RRC r 321

RRCA 323

RRD 324

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