Modbus features, Supported modbus functions, Modbus register list – Obvius A89DC-08 User Manual

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Modbus Features

Supported Modbus Functions

The A89DC-08 device responds to the following Modbus query functions:

0x11 Report slave id.

0x03 read holding registers (multiple)

0x06 preset single register

These should be sufficient to perform all operations (read many values, make single change, and identify). In addition the
device will respond to with Modbus exceptions for invalid function, value, and register if out of bound requests are made.

Modbus function 0x11 Slave ID response should report the following:

"Obvius, A89DC-08, DC Current Sensor, 8 channel", id=46

Modbus Register List

All modbus registers are read-only unless otherwise noted.

Data points: (all read-only)

------- ------- ------- ------------------
offset point type description

0 40001 INT32 MSW total current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100, (sum of 8 channels)
1 40002 INT32 LSW total current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100,

eg 1234 = 12.34A

2 40003 INT32 MSW total current, long average AMPS * 100 (sum of 8 channels)
3 40004 INT32 LSW total current, long average AMPS * 100 (sum of 8 channels),

eg 1234 = 12.34A

4 40005 INT16 average current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100 (average of 8 channels),

eg 1234 = 12.34A

5 40006 INT16 average current, long average AMPS * 100 (average of 8 channels),

eg 1234 = 12.34A

6 40007 UINT16 Alarm Channel: 0=no-alarm,
1-8=range alarm channel
101=internal -12v power bad
102=internal +12v power bad
103=power input over voltage
104=power input under voltage

7 40008 UINT16 Alarm Time: 0=no-alarm, 0xFFFF=invalid, 1-65534=number of seconds

that alarm average has been in effect.

8 40009 INT16 PCB temperature, in degrees F, x 100, eg 12345 = 123.45 deg F
9 40010 UINT16 Input power supply, volts x 100. eg 2345 = 23.45v

10 40011 INT16 channel 1 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100. eg 2345 = 23.45Amps
11 40012 INT16 channel 2 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100
12 40013 INT16 channel 3 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100
13 40014 INT16 channel 4 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100
14 40015 INT16 channel 5 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100
15 40016 INT16 channel 6 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100
16 40017 INT16 channel 7 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100
17 40018 INT16 channel 8 current, Instantaneous AMPS * 100
18 40019 INT16 channel 1 current, long average AMPS * 100
19 40020 INT16 channel 2 current, long average AMPS * 100

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A89DC-08 – DC Current Monitor

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