Crc-16 calculations, Crc-16 calculation, Crc-16 calculation example in basic – Yaskawa G7 Modbus Communication User Manual

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CRC-16 Calculation

The last two bytes of a message contain the CRC-16 (Cyclical Redundancy Check). The CRC-16 is one method for verifying the validity of the

message contents and is part of the protocol. The CRC-16 field checks the contents of the entire message, regardless of any parity check method

used for the individual characters of the message.

The CRC-16 field is a 16-bit binary value consisting of two 8-bit bytes. The CRC-16 value is calculated by the transmitting device, which

appends the CRC-16 to the message. The receiving device recalculates a CRC-16 during receipt of the message, and compares this calculated

value to the value received in the transmitted CRC-16 field. If the two values are not equal, the entire message is invalid.

Detailed examples of a CRC-16 generation using Quick Basic and C are shown below.

CRC-16 Calculation Example in Basic

crcsum# = &HFFFF&

crcshift# = &H0&

crcconst# = &HA001&


PRINT “***************************************************”


PRINT “ CRC-16 calculator”


PRINT “***************************************************”

PRINT “If entering data in hex, preceed the data with ‘&H’”

PRINT “ Example: 32decimal = 20hex = &H20”

PRINT “***************************************************”


INPUT “Enter the number of bytes in the message: “, maxbyte

FOR bytenum = 1 TO maxbyte STEP 1

PRINT “Enter byte “; bytenum; “:”:

INPUT byte&

byte& = byte& AND &HFF&

crcsum# = (crcsum# XOR byte&) AND &HFFFF&

FOR shift = 1 TO 8 STEP 1

crcshift# = (INT(crcsum# / 2)) AND &H7FFF&

IF crcsum# AND &H1& THEN

crcsum# = crcshift# XOR crcconst#


crcsum# = crcshift#


NEXT shift

NEXT bytenum

lower& = crcsum# AND &HFF&

upper& = (INT(crcsum# / 256)) AND &HFF&

PRINT “Lower byte (1


) = “, HEX$(lower&)

PRINT “Upper byte (2


) = “, HEX$(upper&)
