LinPlug MorphoX User Manual

Page 28

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the Arpeggiator in the Modulation Matrix is like having an LFO with up to 16
individually definable steps.

Up, Down, UpDown, DownUp, UpDown+ and DownUp+ modes play typical
arpeggiator patterns or arpeggios, which as we said before are the notes of
the chord being played successively instead of simultaneously.

In Up mode the notes are played from lowest Note on upward. In Down its
the other way around. UpDown and DownUp alternatively play the notes
from lowest to highest and from highest to lowest. With UpDown it's as the
name suggests, first, notes are played from the lowest note upward. With
DownUp it's just the opposite.

A + sign behind the mode indicates that the highest and lowest notes are
being played twice. For example, a C-E-G chord would be played in
UpDown-Mode C-E-G-E and again from the beginning, while in UpDown+
mode it will be played C-E-G-G-E-C and from the beginning on again.

AsPlayed Mode plays the notes in the order the Note On signal arrives or
simply, the way you actually played the chord. This effect is easiest to
understand when you play notes of a chord not exactly at the same time.
The order they are actually played is exactly as you played them.

Random Mode plays the notes of the chord in a random order

Arpeggiator / Clock
Next to the Mode is the Clock setting, which allows you to set the length of
the individual notes in which the chord is separated by the Arpeggiator. For
example, when set to 1/16 it will play all the notes as 1/16th notes.

Arpeggiator / Retrigger
The small Retrig (Retrigger) switch to the right of the clock parameter
defines whether a new chord will restart the Arpeggiator or not. If you have
a pause between two chords being played, the Arpeggiator will restart with

MorphoX user manual 1.1.0

page 28
