6 entering new scheduler items, 7 finding records – Casio PV-750 Plus v3.0 User Manual

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The drag-and-drop function allows you to move/copy the following types of records:

• From one file to another but within the same database area (e.g. from one file window

to another),

• From all database areas into the Memo area,

If the mouse pointer takes this form during a drag-and-drop attempt, then the relevant
records cannot be pasted to their intended destination.

Drag & Drop with Data Files from the File Manager/Explorer

In the Windows File Manager or Explorer, select one or more the PC sync files (normally with
the extension ".twf") and drag them onto the PC sync program window or icon. They are
automatically loaded by the program.

3.2.6 Entering New Scheduler Items

Entering records into one of the Scheduler areas entitled Schedule, Reminder or To-do,
basically follows the same principles as entering data into the Personal Contacts. The only
difference is that, next to the text fields, there are also fields which are specially designed
for dates and times.

If you want certain fields (especially Schedule or Reminder) to remain empty, e.g. to distin-
guish between monthly and daily Reminder items, deactivate the relevant field. If, say, you
deactivate the month field in the Reminders Editor, then the item will be presented every day.

Furthermore, you can automatically create a new item for the selected day in the current
database area by double-clicking on a certain date. This has the effect of opening the
Editor where you can complete your data.

3.2.7 Finding Records

In this section we want to search through the Personal Contacts and find all the Smiths in

Go to the Personal Contacts via the area tabs or 'View': 'Personal Contacts'. Choose
'Search': 'Search…', where a dialog box is presented. Under "Search For" enter "Smith"
as a search string. Under "Search Scope" specify: [Search Current Area Only], as we
only want to search through the Personal Contacts. As we do not want to distinguish
capital and small letters in our search, leave the field [Match Case] deactivated (i.e.
unchecked). This means that the program will also find items such as "SMITH", all in capitals.
To start searching, choose [OK]. The List Window will now display only records that have
the name "Smith" in them.

Next, we want to narrow down our selection even further by conducting another search,
this time for "Birmingham". Call up the 'Search…' function again and enter "Birmingham".
This time, however, make sure you activate [Use Last Search Result], so that our
"Birmingham" search will be limited to the records containing the name "Smith". Again, leave
the field [Match Case] deactivated, so that no distinction is made between capital and
small letters. Choose [OK] to start the second search. The List Window will now display
only records that contain both "Smith" and "Birmingham". The found records are now

Working with PC sync

