Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 130

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desk. She turned down the blinds that separated her office from

the medical bay, but only halfway, so she could keep an eye on


"Let's have it, Kalmiya."

Kelly's medical history scrolled across a display.

"Here," Kalmiya said, and highlighted a surreptitious data re-

quest at the end of the file. "It's dated three months ago. That's

Araqiel's routing code."

Dr. Halsey picked up the snowglobe off her desk, shook it

once, and set it down, watching the swirls of particles.

"Araqiel? That's Ackerson's watchdog, isn't it?"

"Affirmative, Doctor."

"Can you trace the request?"

"Done and terminated contact at node FF-8897-Z. Access re-

stricted to X-ray level clearance."

"Restricted?" Dr. Halsey gave a short, soft laugh. "Does that

mean anything now? There's no one here to stop us, is there,


"Entering those files without proper clearance is a treasonable

offense, Doctor."

"They can come and arrest me, then. Do as I have instructed,

Kalmiya," Dr. Halsey said. "Override your ethics center subrou-

tine four-alpha. Nullification code: 'Whateverittakes.' "

Dr. Halsey found a half-full cup of coffee on the floor and gin-

gerly picked it up. She sniffed its contents and, satisfied it wasn't

rancid, swirled it once then downed its cold contents.

"Yes, Doctor. Working. Done."
Kalmiya was Cortana's older "sister." Dr. Halsey had designed

and tested the software intrusion routines on her. Once the

process had been debugged and streamlined, she'd incorporated

the routines into Cortana. The brass in ONI Section Three had

been quite explicit in their instructions to destroy any prototype

routines—an order that Dr. Halsey had promptly disobeyed.

"There is an unusually voluminous amount of

counterintru-sion software, Doctor."

"Show me," Dr. Halsey said.

The holographic display flickered and solidified into colored

crystal blocks representing the code barriers. Dr. Halsey traced a
