Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 166

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John and Kelly patrolled the warehouse, looking for cameras,

dogs, guards, anything they'd have to remove. It was clear.

Sam returned with four canteens, which he had, according to

their plan, filled with battery acid from the truck.

There was a click from the side door and Fhajad gave them a

thumbs-up. They gathered near the door. Fhajad eased it open,

peeked out the crack, then opened it a little more and glanced to

either side.

He nodded and moved out, keeping well away from the over-

head lights, skirting the shadows of the warehouse.

John and the others followed, pausing in the darkest part of

the shadows. John held up five fingers, and Sam passed out the

canteens of acid. John pointed to his watch and again flashed

five fingers.

They nodded.

John then pointed to Kelly, and with two fingers pointed to

the perimeter of the camp and made a guillotine-cutting mo-

tion onto his other hand. Kelly nodded and vanished into the


Sam and Fhajad moved off as well, making their way to the

barracks houses they had previously reconnoitered. There was a

crawl space under each building.

John sprinted to the farthest barracks and slipped underneath.

He paused for a moment, listening for any noise, a footfall, an

alarm—it was still quiet. They were undetected... which would

last for only another five minutes.

He took three sticks of chewing gum from his pocket, popped

them into his mouth, and chewed. John crawled to the center of

the building. He carefully took a rag from his shirt pocket,

poured acid onto it, and then dabbed the rag to the underside of

the wood floor. He was extremely careful not to soak the rag or

get any acid on himself. When he touched the rag to the ply-

wood, the wood smoldered.

After he had soaked a meter-square patch, he checked his

watch. Thirty seconds until it was 0455. Just enough time. He

primed all three of his stun grenades, set their timers for five

minutes, then used the chewing gum to attach the grenades to

the perimeter of the acid-weakened section of floor.

Normally the stun grenades couldn't penetrate centimeter-thick
